
Breast Augmentation in Florida

As one of the top cosmetic surgeons in Florida, Dr. Goldberg has built a strong reputation as one of the best female breast augmentation surgeons in the Unites States. We pride ourselves on outstanding surgical outcomes for not only first time breast augmentation patients, but for patients in need of even the most complex breast augmentation revisions.

Patients looking to get a breast augmentation in Miami often consider us to be the best choice for breast augmentation in Florida given our all female staff, our board certified female plastic surgeon with board scores in the 95th percentile, and our beautiful office along with recovery suites.

Woman to Woman: A Breast Augmentation Story
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Being a female plastic surgeon has been critical in Dr. Goldberg’s unparalleled ability to understand the numerous reasons patients might be considering breast augmentation. While many male plastic surgeons often attempt to give women the implant they feel would be most attractive to men, the truth is that we find that most women want all the other girls in the room to stare. Take careful consideration of your goals, because looking better in clothes can be a problem without taking a woman’s proportions into account properly.

  • Some want to look more proportional in clothing
  • Some want dresses, tops, and bathing suits to fit better
  • Some breasts are a different size or shape, and you want to balance things out
  • Some want to recreate cleavage and firmness that you’ve lost after pregnancy, with weight loss, or with age

These common desires are all very good reasons why women choose to undergo breast augmentation in Florida with breast implants despite numerous misconceptions. There are many horror stories on the internet, but here is the truth about breast augmentation…

Breast Augmentation from a Woman’s Perspective

Most implants look and feel pretty natural. You don’t have to massage them every day or replace them every ten years, though some women end up having more than one breast augmentation surgery in their lifetime for a variety of reasons (including changing size or getting a breast lift).

Implants don’t cause cancer or any other disease. Although implant rupture occurs in a small percentage of patients, it isn’t dangerous and is easily managed. Every implant I use has a warranty to cover the cost of new implants and most of the costs of surgery to replace them.

Breast augmentation is a common procedure, and many women are happy to have made a choice that makes them feel better about the way they look. Once you decide to undergo breast augmentation in Florida, you will have a few decisions to make in planning your surgery, beyond finding a Florida Cosmetic Surgeon.

During your consultation at my Jupiter office, you will have a chance to feel the implants in several sizes. I will evaluate your anatomy, discuss your preferences, and customize your implant and operative plan to give you the results you want.

There are very few female breast augmentation surgeons in Florida. As a result, many patients seeking breast augmentation in Miami are deciding that making the drive to Jupiter is an easy choice.

If you are considering a breast augmentation in Florida, want to find out more about breast implants cost, or have questions about the top breast augmentation surgeons, just send us a quick email and we are happy to help.

Types of Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation Example Photo

All breast implants have a silicone shell. Saline implants are filled with salt water, which is absorbed by your body if the implant leaks. Saline implants can feel firm and show rippling under the skin when they are not covered by enough breast tissue.

Silicone implants feel more like breast tissue. When a silicone implant ruptures, the gel stays in the scar tissue pocket (called a capsule) that your body forms around the implant when in is placed. There is no association between silicone implants and autoimmune disease or cancer, although ruptured implants can cause contracture of the capsule, calcification of the capsule, and leakage of silicone outside of the immediate area. This is more common with older implants and is much less likely to occur with new implants.

Before & After Silicone Breast Implants
Individual results from procedures cannot be guaranteed, and may vary between patients.

The new GUMMY BEAR implants are technically called Form Stable Implants. Each of the three big implant companies in the U.S. have their own version. The form stable implants are silicone implants that are anatomical shape (teardrop) with a textured surface and a firmer gel. This helps the breast tissue adhere to the implant and for the implant to adhere to the chest wall, resisting sag of the implant over time and maintaining a very natural fullness to the top of the breast.

Before & After Form Stable Implants
Individual results from procedures cannot be guaranteed, and may vary between patients.

Another Breast Augmentation Example Photo

Implant Placement

Subpectoral or Subglandular

Breast implants can either be placed under the pectoralis muscle, called subpectoral; or over the pectoralis muscle, called subglandular.


  • The implant is less prone to sagging
  • Mammograms are more accurate
  • Rippling through the skin is less likely
  • The breast appears more natural in those with little breast tissue
  • The risk of capsular contracture is lower


  • With looser breast skin (like after a pregnancy or with age), an implant under the breast tissue will fill out a sagging breast and give the illusion of a very slight breast lift.

Implant Size

You will need to decide your size keeping a few key points in mind.

  • The larger the volume, the wider the implant. There are several sizes that will fit your chest, and larger sizes will stick out to the side and may be incompletely covered by the muscle.
  • The larger the implant, the more stretch and sag to your breast and skin over time
  • There is never a guarantee for a specific bra size since manufacturers are so different

Incision Location in Breast Augmentation

You may find a Florida Cosmetic Surgeon or two willing to say otherwise, but an incision always leads to a scar, though most scars heal to a fine line, and they are designed to be hidden. There are four different incisions (two for silicone implants).

  • Inframammary – underneath the breast
  • Periareolar – a half circle where the areolar skin meets the normal skin
  • Transaxillary – at the edge of the hair bearing skin in the armpit
  • Transumbilical (TUBA) – placed with a scope from the belly button

The inframammary incision allows for good visualization, and usually does not show when you are wearing a bra or bikini top. There will be a 1-2 inch scar under your breast. The incision is smallest for saline implants and gets larger with larger silicone implants.

The periareolar breast augmentation scar is usually well camouflaged where pigmented skin of the lower half of the areola meets the normal breast skin. Very small areolas cannot be used for silicone breast implants.

The transaxillary breast augmentation approach places the scar behind the fold in your armpit crease. Although theoretically this scar is visible when you lift up your arms, it is usually very difficult to find. Because the implant is placed from the top, the implant will tend to sit high. The incision and dissection may also interfere with diagnosis of breast cancer in your lymph nodes, so I prefer not to use this incision.

The Transumbilical breast augmentation approach is done through a tube passed from the belly button to the breast. There is no direct visualization, and the pressure of the filled up implant is used to stop any bleeding. The placement of the implant under the muscle is unreliable, silicone implants can’t be used, and repeat surgery always requires a different incision, so I do not offer TUBA.

Risks of breast augmentation

There are risks with every surgery. These are the most common risks associated with breast implants.

  • Hematoma
  • Infection
  • Capsular Contraction
  • Rupture
  • Rippling
  • Implant Malposition

Breast Augmentation Revisions

Fortunately, we find that there is always a way to work with patients to overcome complications with breast augmentation. As a leader in breast augmentation revisions, we are proud to help patients with difficult cases where prior plastic surgeons have left them with less than desirable results. As a result, we feel that taking every step possible to get things right the first time is a very wise decision. Great surgical results usually are not cheap, and cheap surgical results usually are not great.

Breast Augmentation Revision - Before/After - Front View
Breast Augmentation Revision - Before/After - Angle View


If bleeding after surgery is significant enough, it can result in a hematoma. If one of your breasts is more painful and becomes larger, call the office immediately. You may need surgery to stop the bleeding and clear out the clotted blood to prevent possible problems, such as slow recovery, infection, and capsular contracture.


Despite the use of sterile methods and the use of antibiotics around the time of breast augmentation surgery, every surgery has a risk of infection. When infection occurs, the implant may need to be removed in order to treat the infection. The implant could be replaced after several weeks.

Capsular Contraction

When an implant is placed, your body forms a fibrous layer of scar tissue around the implant called a capsule. Sometimes, an abnormally thick capsule forms around the implant, as the capsule contracts, the breast gets tight and firm, and starts to look round. Capsular contraction can be repaired surgically, but it could always recur.


There’s a risk of about 1% per year that your implant will rupture. With saline implants, the fluid is absorbed by the body and the breast will deflate over several hours. With silicone implants, you may not notice a rupture if the gel stays within the scar tissue capsule. If it leaks out, you may notice a change in the shape of your breast or feel lumps.

If you have silicone implants, the FDA recommends an MRI every two years starting three years after your implant surgery to detect rupture. Your insurance will usually not cover the cost. The two main suppliers of breast implants, Mentor and Inamed (Allergan), both have warranties that cover the cost of new implants and even the payment of your surgical fees if your implant ruptures.


Visible fluid waves can occur. They are most common with saline implants placed above the muscle in women with a small amount of breast tissue and thin skin.

Implant Malposition

Implants can migrate too high, too low, too far toward the middle of the chest, or off to the side. They should be right under your nipples. These problems can be minimized at the time of surgery by careful dissection of the implant pocket and after surgery by following the aftercare instructions closely. It is normal for implants to look too high immediately after your surgery. Swelling from the surgery will go away, and the implants will settle in the first few months after surgery.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?