Breast Augmentation Surgery was the number one cosmetic plastic surgery procedure performed in 2020. One of the most common DRDANAMD.COM online inquiries I find myself answering is… “How much does breast augmentation surgery cost?”
The Quick Answer…
I quote between $6,000 and $8,500 depending on a number of cost variables.
The More in Depth Answer…
One problem for prospective patients is that they often find vague answers about breast enhancement price quotes that offer a confusing estimate of between $2,500 and $7,500 The only caveat I will give you in this article is that the basis for my cost figures are for the greater South Florida area as of July 1, 2017.
In order to give you the best answer possible, I think it’s best to explain the individual costs that are incurred in obtaining a safe and acceptable surgical result.
The first step in your exploration of breast augmentation surgery, and likely your first expense, is the cosmetic surgery consult fee. Surgical consultations can be scheduled with a $200 deposit and non-surgical consults can be scheduled with a $100 fee, which will become a credit at the practice toward any of our skincare products, facials, laser treatments, injectables, or surgical procedures. The fee is usually not a reflection of ability or quality, rather a reflection of the physician’s means of mitigating being stood up by no-show patients.
The next expense you’re likely to incur will be a surgical deposit, which will be required at the time you book your surgery. My fee is $500, and this is also a pretty fair average across the country. The real difference is the possibility of refunds, which are often given at reduced rate, as the surgery date gets closer.
As your surgery gets closer…
- About one or two weeks before your surgery, you will be required to pay a balance of $6,000 to $8,500. So where does the price difference come from?
- The first cost in determining the price of your breast augmentation will be your choice of saline or silicone implants. Saline breast implants will cost your surgeon on average $1000, and silicone breast implants will cost them around $2200. Some surgery centers are given volume discounts of up to $200 off of either type of implant. Some surgeons charge a small profit on implants, but most just directly pass the cost along.
- The next cost is your operating facility. You can choose to have your surgery in a hospital, in an outpatient surgery center, or in a private office OR. All are safe when they are accredited, but the prices vary from $900 to $2000 an hour and are generally more expensive at hospitals.
- The next cost is going to be determined by the type of anesthesia you choose. Some surgeons do breast augmentation under local anesthesia alone, but most patients have general anesthesia. In Florida, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists or Physician Anesthesiologists are able to provide anesthesia. They charge an hourly rate from $700 to over $1500 per hour, based on their training and experience.
- The final cost is the surgeon’s fee. The range is usually from $3000 to $4000 depending on the amount of time the surgery will take, whether it is a revision surgery requiring removal of scar tissue or repositioning of the implants, or if a breast lift is required along with augmentation. The fee includes all your care before and after surgery. You may have additional costs if further surgery is required or if you are admitted to the hospital with complications.
The last few items are optional costs that I feel yield the best breast augmentation result possible.
- Surgical garments range from $60 to $150.
- Antibiotics and pain medications range from $30 to $90 depending on insurance.
- Arnica (a supplement to reduce bruising and swelling) costs from $25 to $45.
There are many ways that breast augmentation prices are quoted, but regardless of how the prices are presented, these are all factors that will affect your breast augmentation price quote.If you’re wondering why there are prices listed as low as $2500 for breast augmentation surgery, but the quoted fixed costs are higher in this article, the answer is simple. Quotes for $2500 exclude one or more of the costs itemized in this article. Some centers advertise the price of surgery without anesthesia, and others offer assembly line patient care to reduce surgeon’s fees.
My experience is that patients are often trading off having a physician with a vested interest in their care on call for complications after surgery. I have had many patients incur huge expenses after having complications at discount surgery providers. In many cases physicians have actually ignored their patient’ s post surgery problems. Everything in this world is a give and take of price, quality, and service. Hopefully, you have a little more information to understand the many answers to “what is the price of breast augmentation surgery?” If you still have questions contact Dr. Dana Goldberg by clicking here.