What causes male Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is caused by excessive estrogen production? action and is often the result of an increased ratio of estrogen to androgens (such as testosterone). It can occur as a side effect of medication. It is can also be a result of the natural decrease of testosterone production as a result of age, genetics, puberty, or in more severe cases, from illness.
Is loose skin of the male chest the same as man boobs?
No, true gynecomastia is the presents of actual breast tissue. Excess skin is usually the result of weight gain and loss, although it can also be associated with gynecomastia.
Liposuction vs. excision vs. pectoral implants?
There are a few different procedures available depending on the patient, and sometimes the procedures are combined together or even staged several months apart to achieve the best outcome.
Fatty tissue responds well to liposuction, but this will not reduce the amount of breast tissue or skin, therefore it is not an option by itself for most people. Liposuction is still a very common part of the treatment for gynecomastia since it helps to smooth the edges when tissue is removed, so the chest contour looks as natural as possible.
True gynecomastia can only be removed via surgical excision. As long as there is not an excessive amount of extra skin, the skin will retract after the tissue is removed, therefore the skin does not necessarily need to be removed. This means that the scar can most likely be hidden around the edge of the areola.
Large amounts of loose skin and fat on the chest require an excision of the excess skin and fat, which results in more significant scarring, and possibly even the need for removal and grafting of the nipple so that it is in the appropriate place on the chest. Sometimes the skin excision is staged several months after the gynecomastia removal so that the skin can tighten up as much as possible on its own. By doing so, the scar length can be minimized and sometimes avoided altogether.
Lastly, pectoral implants can be used in a staged fashion to address small amounts of loose skin or flat contours on the chest after gynecomastia surgery.
What do I need to know about the surgery?
Most men will be able to return to work within 1-2 weeks after surgery, but if their job requires lifting greater than 10 pounds or a lot of upper body movement, 3-4 weeks off may be needed. Drains are needed after surgery (unless liposuction alone is done), and they may stay anywhere from 2-10 days after surgery depending on how much drainage there is. Restrictions on exercise are in place for a minimum of 2 weeks after surgery, and there are further restrictions on upper body workouts for up to 8 weeks after surgery depending on healing.