How much does Neograft Hair Restoration cost?

Q: What is Neograft Hair Transplant?

A: Neograft Hair Transplant is a minimally invasive hair restoration procedure that uses a specialized device to extract individual hair follicles from the scalp and transplant them to areas of the scalp affected by hair loss. It is a popular alternative to traditional hair transplant methods, which involve removing a strip of scalp from the back of the head.

Q: Who is a candidate for Neograft Hair Transplant?

A: Neograft Hair Transplant is suitable for both men and women who are experiencing hair loss or thinning hair. Good candidates include those with pattern baldness, receding hairlines, and thinning hair due to aging or hormonal changes. Candidates should have healthy hair follicles on the back or sides of their scalp that can be harvested for transplant.

Q: How much does Neograft Hair Transplant cost?

A: The cost of Neograft Hair Restoration varies depending on several factors, such as the extent of hair loss, the number of hair follicles to be transplanted. On average, the cost ranges from $6,000 to $15,000. In our office your quote for surgery will include Platelet Rich Plasma on the day of your surgery, all of your appointments with our hair transplant team and lunch on the day of your procedure. When looking into hair restoration costs please keep in mind these factors. Your care, comfort and results are our number one priority as we strive to be the top hair transplant facility in south Florida.

It’s important to note that Neograft Hair Transplant is considered a cosmetic procedure and is typically not covered by insurance. However we offer financing options with CareCredit and Alphaeon to help make the procedure more affordable.